Results for the August 29, 2004
Metro Reservoir Anglers, Inc.
Team Tournament at Liberty Reservoir
Weather:    Mostly Cloudy, High of 76, SSE Winds 12 MPH - Gusts to 21 Morning Water Temp 76.1 degrees.
Final  Team Starting Number    Lunker Total Official Money Points
Standings Name Position of Fish   Weight Weight Weight Won Earned
1 Balsamo & Belcher 8 6 4.13 17.09 17.09 300
2 Anderson & Wolfe 12 7 4.83 16.29 16.29 290
3 Lippa & Meushaw 27 8 2.47 14.72 14.72 285
4 Gangi & Kosdemba 33 8 3.64 14.55 14.55 280
5 Barger & Wilson 13 6 6.15 14.23 14.23 275
6 Hill & Hill 7 6 3.05 13.92 13.92 271
7 Barron & Crunkilton 2 8 2.29 13.86 13.86 267
8 Broadwater & Herdegen 22 6 3.84 13.43 13.43 263
9 Gamber & Walker 6 6 2.83 11.91 11.91 259
10 Isaac & Kirk 21 6 2.29 10.34 10.34 255
11 Standiford & Standiford 20 6 2.54 9.27 9.27 252
12 Gochnour & Penny 31 5 3.09 9.44 9.44 249
13 Brown & Miciche 32 6 2.61 8.37 8.37 246
14 Allen & Ashwell 1 5 1.95 8.26 8.26 243
15 Bertholdt & Wilder 35 4 2.09 6.91 6.91 240
16 Dunn & Dunn 34 2 4.04 6.19 6.19 238
17 Haugan & Smith 9 4 1.80 6.42 6.42 236
18 Atwood & MacCubbin 5 4 1.96 5.80 5.80 234
19 Lewis & Quatman 4 3 3.13 5.14 5.14 232
20 Ducote & Floyd 19 2 2.90 4.90 4.90 230
21 Caudill & Ritch 3 3 4.03 4.03 229
22 Gordon & Wolfe 29 2 2.03 3.34 3.34 228
23 Masaberg & Wisner 10 3 1.36 3.24 3.24 227
24 Bertazon & Seipp 11 1 2.28 2.28 2.28 226
25 Erisman & Rutley 18 1 1.76 1.76 1.76 225
26 Dell'Aqua & O'Neal 16 1 1.57 1.57 1.57 224
27 Dunn & O'Brien 14 0.00 223
27 Krahl & Stahler 15 0.00 223
27 Green & Prichard 17 0.00 223
27 Baker & Lewin 23 0.00 223
27 Fisher & Miller 24 0.00 223
27 Markowski & Markowski 25 0.00 223
27 Sullivan & Thompson 26 0.00 223
27 Davis & Haines 28 0.00 223
35 Beall & Kobus 30 DQ DQ DQ DQ 215
  Totals 35 119   6.15 227.26 227.26 $0.00  
Teams in Bold Letters are qualified for the Tournament of Champions
  The Metro Reservoir Anglers, Inc. wishes to thank the following people and companies for their support:
Joseph Bertazon & Sons, Inc.
Modernized Plumbing & Heating
The Keelty Group
The City of Baltimore & The Department of Public Works